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The policy applies to:
The policy must be read in conjunction with:
The policy is also supported by PG 029 Management Guide.
Managing the performance of individuals and teams is essential for Nottinghamshire Police and NOPCC to achieve its goals. The force and NOPCC is committed to effective management of performance within a supportive working environment. It expects all individuals want to perform well and that managers provide support to their team members to enable them to perform effectively.
The policy aim is to provide a framework so that individuals are aware of:
Individuals are responsible for:
Line Managers are responsible for:
Senior Managers are responsible for:
Line Managers should ensure performance management is at the core of their day-to-day business and should communicate regularly with their team members about their performance. Any issues should be addressed informally as soon as they arise, early intervention is key.
Managers should make sure individuals understand that where there is insufficient
improvement in performance, the formal stages of the process may be commenced after all informal discussions and processes have been exhausted.
Managers will use Career Conversation, including regular one to one meeting, to carry out formal reviews of performance and development needs. Matters already
informally addressed may also be discussed and reviewed in this more formal
Initially informal management interventions should be employed to support individuals to achieve the required standard of performance. Where there is under performance managers should collate factual and objective information to form the basis for discussions. Performance Management support meetings should be held prior to the formal procedure being instigated and this may result in a performance management support plan. These initial informal discussions should be recorded, shared by the individual and manager and a review period agreed.
Managers should ensure that they take the appropriate time to understand issues affecting their team members and ensure that the relevant support, sign posting, advice and guidance is given. It is important at this stage to ensure that there are no barriers to the improvement of performance such as access to supportive assistive technology, coaching and mentoring, training delays or welfare issues.
Where this does not lead to sufficient and sustained improvement then the formal procedure must be invoked.
When the decision is taken to embark on the formal performance process, once all of the informal processes have been exhausted the line manager should gather information regarding individual circumstances and should give the individual a clear indication of the gap between their current and required performance.
The framework is a three-stage supportive process with a view to facilitating a sustained improvement in an individual’s performance at work. If an individual remains unable to achieve an acceptable level of performance after appropriate support and improvement notices the final sanction may be dismissal.
Please refer to the following Meeting Framework tables for details (see Pages 7 & 8).
NB. *The period for improvement will usually be a maximum 3 months (see Pages 6 & 7), however in exceptional circumstances where a senior manager considers that a period greater than 3 months is appropriate People Services should be consulted.
Stage | Meeting Chair | Appeal Meeting Chair | Timescales | Potential Outcomes |
First Stage Meeting | First Line Manager | Second Line Manager |
3* months to achieve improvement 12 months validity period for Written Improvement Notice |
Second Stage Meeting | Second Line Manager | Senior Manager or Superintendent |
3* months to achieve improvement 12 months validity period for Written Improvement Notice |
Third Stage Meeting |
Panel of three members (This will include; a Police Third stage |
Police Appeals Tribunal |
Redeployment 3* months to |
Stage | Meeting Chair | Appeal Meeting Chair | Timescales | Potential Outcomes |
First Stage Meeting |
First Line Manager |
Second Line Manager |
3* months to achieve improvement 12 months validity for Written Improvement Notice. |
Second Stage Meeting |
Second Line Manager |
Manager more senior than Second Stage Meeting Chair |
3* months to achieve improvement 12 months validity for Final Written Improvement Notice. |
Third Stage Meeting |
Senior Third stage |
Manager more senior than Third Stage Meeting Chair. |
Redeployment 3* months to |
Individuals have the right of appeal against the outcome of a formal meeting. Appeals will be heard according to the above framework. The appeal must be submitted in writing within 7 working days of the written outcome letter being received. The grounds for appeal against the decision must be set out. Where the appeal has been against dismissal, if the decision to dismiss is upheld, the effective date of termination shall be the date on which the original dismissal took effect
Individuals are afforded the right to be accompanied by a work colleague, trade union representative or staff association representative as applicable at all formal meetings. If individuals feel they require representation at an informal meeting this can be considered by the chair of the meeting.
In accordance with the Police (Performance) Regulations 2012 and Police Conduct
Regulations 2022, there may be circumstances where the appropriate authority, Head of Professional Standards Department (depending on the circumstances of each case) or Head of People Service considers a police officer’s performance so unsatisfactory that it warrants the procedure being initiated at the Third Stage Meeting. This would usually be the result of a single incident of “Gross Incompetence”.
May also be referred directly to the Third Stage Meeting where it is considered there may be a case of gross incompetence. This will be the decision of Head of PS & OD or nominated deputy.
Nottinghamshire Police are committed to making reasonable adjustments to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals to support them to continue to work.
Managers should ensure any requests for adjustments are fully explored prior to
commencing the formal stages of the process. This can be discussed at the informal performance support meeting.
Where an individual has a disability it may be, appropriate at any stage of this process to consider redeployment to a more suitable role as a reasonable adjustment. This is at the discretion of the organisation.
Redeployment to a suitable alternative role may be considered during the performance management process. The appropriateness of this action will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to approval from a senior PS manager. An appropriate selection method will be used to ensure the suitability of an alternative role. Individuals will not be entitled to a 3-month period on the redeployment register and if redeployed there will be no entitlement to salary protection or travel & disturbance payments. New posts will not be created for the
purpose of redeployment. Performance development plans will continue. Redeployment will only be considered as an alternative to dismissal at stage 3 of the formal procedures and may not be appropriate in all cases.
For police officers; Regulation 13, Police Regulations 2003 will be followed. For
police staff; the probationary management process will be followed.
This document has been drafted to comply with the general and specific duties in the Equality Act 2010; Data Protection Act; Freedom of Information Act; European Convention of Human Rights; Employment Act 2002; Employment Relations Act 1999, and other legislation relevant to policing.
PS 166:
Performance Management Policy
Type of Document:
Registered Owner:
Head of People Services and Organisational Development
James Lunn/Jasvir Ginda
Effective Date:
December 2021
Review Date:
December 2025
Linked Documents:
PD 787 Performance Management & Improvement for Police Officer and Police staff Procedure
PG 029 Performance Management Managers Guide
Police (Performance) Regulations 2012
Home Office Guidance on Unsatisfactory Performance & Attendance Procedures (PDF)