Policy statement
Nottinghamshire Police and the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner (OPCC) objective is to promote a healthy working environment for all its staff and visitors.
Smoking for the purpose of the policy is defined as the smoking of:
- Cigarettes/cigars
- Pipes
- E-cig/E-cigarettes
- Vapes
Chewing tobacco is also covered within this policy.
The aim of the policy is to be clear, consistent, fair and responsible in the rules regarding smoking whilst on :
- Nottinghamshire Police premises
- shared premises with another organisation
- in Nottinghamshire Police vehicles or
- in areas which are in sight of the visiting public, for example at the entrance to buildings
This policy applies to all police staff, police officers, special constables, partners, contractors, agency staff, visitors, members of the public, volunteers, prisoners, staff of the OPCC and any other persons who attend Nottinghamshire police premises, any shared premises with another organisation or use police vehicles.
4.1 Key principles
- Smoking on Force premises will only be permitted in designated
smoking areas and during scheduled breaks
- Individuals will need to comply with the host organisations smoking policy
when working at partnership owned premises
- The image of policing should be promoting a positive professional image of
role models, whilst working and the community we serve
- The health and safety of all individuals on Nottinghamshire Police premises, any shared premises with another organisation or use police vehicles or in areas which are in sight of the visiting public is a priority
- The rules surrounding tobacco related products and vaporing will be applied consistently and fairly to all
- Any breach of this policy will be taken extremely seriously and may result in disciplinary action
- An individual’s right to smoke is their own, however Nottinghamshire Police and the OPCC encourage individuals to consider the considerable health benefits of ceasing smoking. Should they wish to receive support to stop smoking they may refer to:
4.2 Adherence to policy
- Individuals receiving a visitor to Force premises are responsible for communicating this policy to them
- Line managers are responsible for enforcing the policy and handling any breaches of this policy by members of their team
- Heads of Department are responsible for the implementation and operation of this policy in respect of all Nottinghamshire Police premises, any shared premises with another organisation or police vehicles that fall within their control and ensuring individuals only smoke during scheduled breaks, and in a designated location
- Any individual who encounters a breach of the policy and who wishes to
pursue the issue should in the first instance raise it with the individual if they feel comfortable and if it is appropriate or via their line management structure who will review the circumstances and action accordingly
4.3 E-cigarettes
- • E-cigarettes are battery-powered products that release a visible vapour that contains liquid nicotine that is inhaled by the user
- Due to fire risk, e-cigarettes must not be charged on Force premises, shared premises with another organisation or in Nottinghamshire Police vehicles
- Individuals are only permitted to use their e-cigarette during scheduled structured meal breaks
- If an individual chooses to smoke e-cigarettes in the designated smoking areas, they do so at their own risk
Statement of legislative compliance
This document has been drafted to comply with the general and specific duties in the Equality Act 2010; Data Protection Act; Freedom of Information Act; European Convention of Human Rights; Employment Act 2002; Employment Relations Act 1999, and other legislation relevant to policing.