Quote from Chief Superintendent Suk Verma, Race Action Plan Strategic Lead
"As the strategic lead for this vital piece of work, I am determined that the Race Action Plan is lifted from the page and turned into tangible actions that improve the way we deliver policing services for ethnic minority communities within Nottinghamshire, and which build trust and confidence in all that we do.
The action plan looks to deliver national and locally agreed plan outcomes relating to how we operate internally and externally.
It is key that we are representative of all the communities we serve, and this is a key part of the plan.
Some of the initial actions within the plan have a focus on Black communities and people because we recognise that the racial disparities affecting Black people are most acute. The impact of the plan will be far ranging and as the plan is implemented many of our activities will look to address disparities in other communities.
To support the implementation of the Nottinghamshire Police Race Action Plan, there will be an Annual Delivery Plan which sets out the priority actions for each year.
We continue to welcome feedback on the plan and how we are delivering on our promise through our online anonymous survey.
Ethnic minority communities will only have confidence to engage with us and join us if they are reassured that this is not a ‘tick box’ exercise. I can reassure them that it is not, and delivery of the plan outcomes is essential to ensuring the culture of Nottinghamshire Police is fit for purpose and remains so."
Our Commitments
- Zero tolerance of racism in Nottinghamshire Police
- Adopt an ‘explain or reform’ approach
- Understand the impact and history of policing ethnic minority communities
- Improve support for ethnic minority victims of crime
- Increase the involvement of ethnic minority people and communities
- Improve support for ethnic minority officers and staff
- Develop a representative workforce and a culture of belonging
Our Workstreams
- Represented - We want communities to see themselves when they look at policing. The means focusing on representation, retention and a change in our internal culture
- Not over policed - We want to treat our communities fairly, with respect and dignity. This is about eliminating any racial bias and disproportionality in our service delivery
- Involved - We want to involve our communities in policing. We will only fully understand their needs by listening, this, combined with an intention to respond leads to an improved engagement
- Not under protected - We want to protect all members of our communities making them feel safe. This means taking action to keep the most vulnerable safe
Our Race Action Plan
Our Commitments
- Zero tolerance of racism in Nottinghamshire Police
- Adopt an ‘explain or reform’ approach
- Understand the impact and history of policing ethnic minority communities
- Improve support for ethnic minority victims of crime
- Increase the involvement of ethnic minority people and communities
- Improve support for ethnic minority officers and staff
- Develop a representative workforce and a culture of belonging
A police service that is representative of ethnic minority communities and supports its ethnic minority officers and staff.
- Mandatory training programme on racism, antiracism, trauma associated with disproportionately ethnic minority history and its connection to policing
- Improve recruitment, retention and progression of ethnic minority people informed by their lived experiences
- Address racial disparities through pay gap reporting and force surveys to capture experiences of the ethnic minority workforce
- Addressing any racial disparities in misconduct and disciplinary processes and that anti-racist practice informs the Professional Standards Department
- Enhancing support for all ethnic minority officers and staff to work in an inclusive culture. Considering alleged racial victimisation, harassment or discrimination
A police service that is fair, respectful and equitable in its actions towards ethnic minority people and communities.
Not over policed
- Harness data to develop an approach to identify how to tackle racial disparities in the use of police powers and their overall police experience
- Promote consistent recording, analysis, monitoring and publication of
data on police powers such as; body worn video and vehicle stops
- Strengthen governance of the use of powers through effective supervision and community scrutiny of police interaction
- Improve the knowledge and skills of all officers on the use of powers,
lawfulness, proportionality and necessity
- Assess the impact of digital forensics on ethnic minority people to eliminate unconscious bias or discriminatory practices
A police service that routinely involves ethnic minority people and communities in its governance.
- Improve community partnerships to build the engagement base on
effective community relationship to co –produce in piloting new approaches
- Map community trust and confidence in producing local action to support
community engagement
- Publish outcomes of engagement and responses to local issues raised by ethnic minority communities locally
- Assess the impact of neighborhood policing on community confidence, school liaison and community activities carried out by Nottinghamshire
- Develop a framework for reconciliation between policing with ethnic minority communities based on evidence and good practice
A police service that effectively protects ethnic minority people and communities from crime and seeks justice for them.
Not under protected
- Address any disproportionate ethnic minority victimisation, enhancing victim service in everything that we do
- Utilise data to address any disproportionality in our response to vulnerable
groups within ethnic minority communities
- Identify opportunities for additional funding to support better outcomes for ethnic minority Communities
- Local crime prevention and deterrence to reduce victimisation and improve outcomes for ethnic minority communities increasing the feeling of safety
- Establish an ethnic minority mentoring scheme where mentors from ethnic
minority communities work with senior police